- I can import a material type.
- Import a material type if has a parameter already in it.
- Import material that is in a specific material in the material catalog.
- Import material schedule of a certain type.
- The materials or schedules will appear in the list below.
- Several information are present for information only and cannot be modified (ID, Name, Description, MaterielTypeID).
- The "Activer " column gives you the possibility to choose what material is modified or not with the parameters
- With the right click button you can (Hide a row, Hide all disabled lines and unmask all the lines
- The HDW-ID and HDW-MinDZ columns are your parameters.
- White color means that it is the default value defined in the table on top.
- Orange color value means it is not identical to the default value
- Violet color means the parameter doesn't exist on this material.
- Red color means the parameter will be deleted when you generate the changes.
- With a right click you can modify the state of the material.
- List of the different parameter. Same information that you could enter in Cabinet Vision.
- With a right click you can delete a parameter definitively or hide the line so no modifications are made to it.
- This button cleans up the parameter list. For example if you need to create new parameters without modifying the existing parameters
- When you use this button it doesn't fill the existing parameter list. This functionality will look for materials with these paremeters on them.
- If you click on the button "Apply modifications" the modifications made in the application will be made in Cabinet Vision. If you do not click the button no modification will be done in Cabinet Vision